Tuesday, April 13, 2010

At long last.....

This is Lucy's first D-Backs game. We beat the Cubs 5-3 in an exhibiton game. She is getting bigger but we are so excited to have her in about 5 weeks!! Can you believe it, 5 weeks!!!! I will make sure that plenty of pictures get up as we get closer and closer. I should start a count down or something. Enjoy....Lisa and Lindy hopefully these will sufice for now. Meg would not let me take these ones until I guilted her into them. Hopefully she will let me take more.


The Samples Sampler said...

Hello cankles! At least you have an excuse to have fat feet! Nice to see you have boobs now!

The Samples Sampler said...

PS You are huge! I love it!! I know you aren't supposed to say that a pregnant lady, but I think it's great! You look good pregnant.

Amber C. said...

Oh Meg!! I have SO much sympathy for the swollen-ness. That's how I was with my first one, too, and it was MISERABLE!! Is your blood pressure okay??

Jay and Lindy said...

MEG! Can I just say that pregnancy fits you well?!? Because you look dang cute, my dear!

Your poor little feet. Hopefully Ryan is perfecting his masseuse skills :)

I am just THRILLED for you two; graduation and a baby! Thank you for posting pictures, it made my day! Keep us updated. Good luck with the last month. Hang in there!

Bill said...

HOLY PREGANT BATMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can't wiat

San Tan Stake Eagle Specialist said...

Cankles, boobs, belly, skinny legs, tiny bum...how hilarious! Can't wait to see Lucy. Time is sure getting close. Hang in there with the swelling--it just gives you an excuse to lay down and rest "for no reason". Love you much.

TnT said...

You are beautiful!!! I can't wait to see little Lucy!

Lisa, Andy, Peyton, and Baxter said...

Yay for prego pics!! Thanks Ryan! Meg- I am so sorry about the swollen-ness! That is exactly what my ankles looked like and it was miserable. In fact, when my parents and Eric came out right before Peyton was born, we went to the zoo and some other places, and because it hurt to walk on my cankles, I got pushed around in a wheelchair! That was fun. Milk it! I am so excited for you! You are so close!:)