Monday, November 28, 2011

Riley and Lucy

Riley Walker Miles has arrived (almost two months ago...)! He was born on September 30, 2011 at 3:14 p.m. He was 20.5 inches in length and a whopping 8 pounds, 15 ounces! He's got dark blonde hair, dark blue eyes, and a dimple in his right cheek! He's growing like CrAzY! He's started sleeping through the night (six to eight hours), but has a hard time going more than two hours during the day without eating. Go figure, eh? Riley has also started smiling!

Lucy loves her little brother--mostly! She loves giving him kisses, helping Mommy burp him, and holding him. When Riley starts crying, Lucy is often the first one there. It's really sweet to see. She's 18 months old now! About a month ago, Lucy was switched from her crib to a toddler bed. As soon as Daddy set it up, she was excited! She jumped right up there, giggling, and practically posing while we took pictures. The novelty is wearing off now, but she's still doing pretty well with it. She occasionally gets out of bed when she's supposed to be going to sleep, but overall, she's really good about it. In the mornings, she's still very much in the habit of waking up and waiting for Mom or Dad to come get her out of bed. She's also getting better at feeding herself. She's been pretty good with a fork for several weeks now. "Poke it, dip it, eat it," is what we tell her as she's eating--usually dipping what she can in ketchup! She's recently been getting better with a spoon too. It's still pretty messy, but she's really learning quickly.

Since Riley was born, we've had Grandma (Elaine) Miles, Auntie Mandy, Grandma Atwood, and Auntie Susanne and Uncle Chris come visit. They were a HUGE help!!


The Samples Sampler said...

I didn't know Susanne and Chris came to visit you. It's not right that they've met both your kids and I haven't. I need to get out there ASAP!

Gremma said...

He is so CUTE! What a little chunk! I hope I get out there to see you all, too, someday!

ryanmiles82 said...

I agree with you both!! We have a gi-normous house now, so there's tonnes of room for you to stay!!