Lucy's latest talent is singing. She sings in the car, while we walk, in the splish-splash bath, in her bed, while we rock her before bed--pretty much ALL THE TIME. I love it! She's getting pretty good at singing Teach Me to Walk in the Light, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, and Ariel's Part of Your World from "The Little Mermaid." I was finally able to get a video of her singing last week. I know you can't hear it very well, but she does get a little louder toward the end. Look out, Taylor Swift! You've got some competition!!
(NOTE: Before you watch this video, you'll have to scroll down to the music player and pause it or stop it, otherwise you won't be able to hear Lucy singing.)
Once upon a time, when Riley was a lot younger, I was changing his bum and he got away from me before I could put his new diaper on him. I said something like, "Hey! Naked-bum-boy, come back here!" Lucy must have thought I said, "Make-uh-Bum" because ever since then, she's referred to wearing nothing but a diaper as a "Make-uh-Bum." Lucy and Riley's absolute favorite activity now is to run around as "Make-uh-Bums"--wearing nothing but their diapers and sometimes their socks. Sometimes they just run around like crazy; most of the time, they LOVE having make-uh-bum dance parties! This particular video is of a make-uh-bum dance party they had just before Christmas 2012.